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Interviewed on the Fresno National Public Radio station (KVPR) “Valley Edition” program on the topic, “Expert: China Could Offer High-Speed Rail Lessons for California,” February 7, 2019.
Quoted in Poormina Neeraskara, “Why Does China Dominate the List of Self-Made Female Billionaires? CAIXIN, March 25, 2018.
Interviewed in a December 30, 2015 SOUTH CHINA POST article by Cary Huang and Zhou Xin, “To Intervene or not to Intervene: That is the Question for China’s Economic Policy-makers in 2016.”
Interviewed on China Radio International’s “Beyond Beijing” morning interview program on November 12, 2010. Appeared with two academic experts to discuss Chinese female billionaires (older link to the broadcast has been taken down).
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